Deploying a custom filter to the WebSphere SIP proxy server

If you have Sametime® 8.5.1 or 8.5.2 clients connecting to a cluster of Sametime 9 SIP Proxy/Registrars, you must take steps to ensure that they can connect successfully. Do this by applying a custom filter to the WebSphere® SIP proxy server in front of the cluster that forces the proxy server to use connections initiated by the older clients rather than creating new connections.

About this task

The SIP Proxy/Registrar cluster may be deployed as part of the Media Manager in a Sametime deployment, or as part of a Sametime Unified Telephony deployment. Be sure to complete this task on every WebSphere proxy server operating in front of the SIP Proxy/Registrar cluster.

Note: If you are testing a deployment by using a single WebSphere proxy server in front of the SIP Proxy/Registrar cluster, do the following:
  1. Apply the custom filter and custom property to the WebSphere proxy server.
  2. When testing is complete and you are ready to deploy a load balance, remove the customer filter.
  3. Deploy the load balancer.
  4. Apply the custom filter and custom property to every WebSphere proxy server operating in front of the cluster.

You can obtain a copy of the ConnectionReuseFilter.jar file in the Sametime Media Manager's disk 1 directory: WebSphereSIPProxy/ConnectionReuseFilter.jar.


Deploy the custom filter by completing the following steps on every WebSphere proxy server operating in front of the SIP Proxy/Registrar cluster.
  1. Import the ConnectionReuseFilter.jar file that contains the custom filter:
    1. Log in to the Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
    2. Click Applications > Application Types > Assets > Import.
    3. Select Local file system to indicate where the JAR file is located.
    4. Type the fully qualified name of the JAR file.

      The fully qualified name of the JAR file includes the directory path to where the file is located, and the file name. If you do not know the fully qualified name of the JAR file, you can use the Browse function to locate the file. The ConnectionReuseFilter.jar file is located in the Media Manager's disk 1 directory: WebSphereSIPProxy/ConnectionReuseFilter.jar

    5. Proceed with the installation and at the end, click Finish.
    6. Save the changes to the master configuration by clicking the Save link in the "Messages" box.
  2. Create a business-level application (BLA) that includes this artifact: (the new filter):
    1. In the navigation tree, click Applications > New Application > New Business-level application.
    2. In the Name field, type a name for the new application that you are creating; for example, Connection Reuse Filter.

      You can optionally type a description of the application in the Description field.

    3. Click Apply and keep the window open for the next step.
  3. Create a BLA composition unit (CU) from the artifact:
    1. In the Deployed assets table, click Add > Add asset.
    2. Select the name of the artifact that you imported in the first step (ConnectionReuseFilter.jar), and then click Continue.
    3. Accept the default settings and click Next.
    4. On the Map composition unit to a target page, select all WebSphere proxy servers that operate with the SIP Proxy/Registrar cluster from the list of Available deployment targets, move them to the Selected list, and then click OK.

      The composition unit is mapped to the selected proxy server.

    5. Click Finish.
    6. Save the changes to the master configuration by clicking the Save link in the "Messages" box.
  4. Create a custom property on the WebSphere proxy server:
    1. In the navigation tree, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere proxy servers.
    2. In the list of proxy servers, click the name of the WebSphere proxy server being updated.
    3. On the Configuration page, locate in the Proxy Settings section, expand SIP Proxy Server Settings, and then click SIP proxy settings.
    4. In the Additional Properties section, click Custom properties.
    5. In the custom properties table, add the following custom property by clicking New, providing the name and value that follow, and then clicking OK:
      • Name: forceRport
      • Value: true
    6. Save the changes to the master configuration by clicking the Save link in the "Messages" box.