Verifying the Sametime Bandwidth Manager installation

For best results, you should verify that the IBM® Sametime® Bandwidth Manager installation was successful before you configure the new server.


  1. Stop and restart the IBM WebSphere® Application Server:
    1. Open a command window.
    2. Change to the profile directory of the WebSphere Application Server hosting the Bandwidth Manager.
    3. Run the following commands:

      Supply your WebSphere administrative credentials when stopping the server. Be sure the server has fully stopped before starting it again.

      ./ server1 -username was_admin_user -password was_admin_password
      ./ server1
      Microsoft™ Windows™
      stopServer.bat server1 -username was_admin_user -password was_admin_password
      startServer.bat server1
  2. Log in to the Integrated Solutions Console using the name and password you created for the Bandwidth Administrator.
  3. In the navigation tree, verify that a new set of tasks appears, named Sametime Servers.
  4. In the navigation tree, click Sametime Servers and verify that the Bandwidth Manager link appears.
  5. Click on Bandwidth Manager, then click the Status tab and verify that MediaSessionController, SipFrontend, and at least one BandwidthPoolManager components appear in the table.

What to do next

If the components appear in the table, the installation was successful. Otherwise, the installation failed. If the installation fails, follow these steps to try again:

  1. Delete the Bandwidth Manager profile using the following command:
    /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -delete -profileName BWMProfile


    C:\Program Files\WebSphere\AppServer\bin\manageprofiles.bat -delete -profileName BWMProfile 
  2. Create the profile again.
  3. Install Bandwidth Manager again.
Important: Even if the installation was successful, do not click the Start/Restart button in the Status table; you must complete the Bandwidth Manager's initial configuration first as explained in the tasks that follow.