LDAP directory with custom Notes application

For retrieving business card information, you can set up a dual repository of an LDAP directory and a custom IBM® Notes® application.

Before you begin

This section describes how to configure the business card using two storage repositories: an LDAP directory with a custom Notes application repository. Here, we describe how you can set up an LDAP directory as the primary storage, and a custom Notes application as the secondary storage.
These directions assume the following:
  • Domino® and IBM Sametime® Community Server have already been installed and configured to run properly
  • Sametime authentication is configured to use an LDAP directory
  • The LDAP server is running and accessible by the Sametime Community Server
  • Business card information can be retrieved from your Sametime directory
  • A custom Notes application based upon any template has been created and contains user records for each corresponding person document defined in the Sametime directory. (In our example, this custom application is named bcardstorage.nsf).
  • To use a custom Notes application as a secondary repository, each user record in the custom application must have a common field whose unique value matches the value of the same field for the person in the Sametime directory. By default, the common field that is used is the internet email address).
  • The view you use in this database must have at least one column sorted for every key. A sorted column must exist for the database field used as the common field.
  • Photos must be less than 45 KB (recommended: 10 KB) and must be in the .jpg or .gif file type.

About this task


  1. Log in to the WebSphere® Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
  2. Click Sametime System Console > Sametime Servers > Sametime Community Servers.
  3. In the Sametime Community Servers list, click the deployment name of the server with the business card information that you want to add or change.
  4. Click the Business Card tab.
  5. In the Business Card Contents section, select the attribute you want displayed in users' business cards, and then click Add to include the selected attribute. If you do not want to display any pre-selected information, select each attribute, and then click Remove.
  6. In the Attribute Definition section, choose Attribute Values that are appropriate for your deployment. Each LDAP directory has its own naming schema, so be sure to confirm that each attribute value selected for display is mapped to the correct LDAP attribute as defined by your LDAP schema. If you prefer to map another attribute value to the attribute name instead of the default value, then choose User Defined.
    The following table lists the default attribute value that is mapped to each attribute name.
    Table 1. Attribute names and values
    Attribute Name Attribute Value
    E-mail address mail
    Telephone telephoneNumber
    Title title
    Photo jpegPhoto

    (requires the inetOrgPerson objectClass)

    Address postalAddress
    Company ou
    Name cn
  7. If you select User Defined for an Attribute Value, then enter an attribute to map to the Attribute Name.
  8. In the Attribute Definition table, change the Attribute Value for the attributes that will be retrieved from the secondary storage to User Defined and leave the User Defined field blank. For example, if you are retrieving users' Telephone and Title information from the custom Notes application; therefore, change the values for the Telephone & Title attributes to User Defined, and leave the User Defined field blank, and then click Reset to save the changes
    Note: These values are blank to ensure they are retrieved from the secondary repository (the Notes application) and not from the primary repository, which is the LDAP directory.
  9. Modify the UserInfoConfig.xml file located in the Domino program directory (\lotus\domino\UserInfoConfig.xml) using a text editor. The UserInfo application fetches and delivers user information for each incoming client request (a user's request to view a particular user's business card). When you are using an LDAP directory as primary storage and a custom Notes application as secondary storage, make these modifications:
    1. Add the following Notes_CUSTOM_DB Storage tag inside the Resources tag:
      <Storage type="NOTES_CUSTOM_DB">
       <StorageDetails DbName="bcardstorage.nsf" View="$BCardView"/>
             <Detail Id="Title" FieldName="JobTitle" Type="text/plain"/>
             <Detail Id="Telephone" FieldName="OfficePhoneNumber" Type="text/plain"/>
      Note: In the <StorageDetails> tag, the following settings are specified:
      • DbName = database_path Filename of the custom Notes application (relative path to the Domino data directory)
      • View = view_name The name of the Notes view that displays the documents containing the user records.
      • The <Details> section defines the attributes that will be retrieved by Sametime from the corresponding storage repository. In this example, we are pulling the telephone attribute from the custom Notes application database
    2. The attributes Title and Telephone must come from the custom Notes application rather than from LDAP, therefore, remove the following information from the <details> tag of the LDAP storage: <Detail Id="Title" FieldName="title" Type="text/plain"/> <Detail Id="Telephone" FieldName="telephoneNumber" Type="text/plain"/>
    3. Add the following information to the <BlackBoxConfiguration> section. Make sure it is listed after the LDAP blackbox as the list order defines the search order:<BlackBox type="NOTES_CUSTOM_DB" name="com.ibm.sametime.userinfo.userinfobb.UserInfoNotesCustomBB" MaxInstances="4"/>
    4. The UserInfoConfig.xml now looks like this:
       <Storage type="LDAP">
       <CommonField CommonFieldName="MailAddress"/>
       <StorageDetails HostName="ldap.austin.ibm.com" Port="389" UserName="username" 
      Password="password" SslEnabled="false" SslPort="636" BaseDN="o=ibm" Scope="2" 
       <!-- Add another StorageDetails tag to support another ldap server.
       The listing order implies the searching order -->
      			<SslProperties KeyStorePath="" KeyStorePassword=""/>
            <Detail Id="MailAddress" FieldName="e-mail" Type="text/plain"/>
            <Detail Id="Name" FieldName="cn" Type="text/plain"/>
            <Detail Id="Location" FieldName="postalAddress" Type="text/plain"/>
            <Detail Id="Company" FieldName="ou" Type="text/plain"/>
            <Detail Id="Photo" FieldName="jpegPhoto" Type="image/jpeg"/>
       <Storage type="NOTES_CUSTOM_DB">
       <StorageDetails DbName="bcardstorage.nsf" View="$BCardView"/>
             <Detail Id="Title" FieldName="JobTitle" Type="text/plain"/>
             <Detail Id="Telephone" FieldName="OfficePhoneNumber" Type="text/plain"/>
       			<Set SetId="0" params="MailAddress,Name,Title,Location,Telephone,Photo,Company"/>
       			<Set SetId="1" params="MailAddress,Name,Title,Location,Telephone,Photo,Company"/>
       <BlackBox type="LDAP" name="com.ibm.sametime.userinfo.userinfobb.UserInfoLdapBB"
       <BlackBox type="NOTES_CUSTOM_DB" 
  10. Restart the Sametime Community Server and the Domino server to effect the changes. You have successfully configured the business card to display information for a single user from dual storage repositories: an LDAP directory and a custom Notes application.

What to do next

An optional setting in UserInfoConfig.xml file lets you map a detail to more than one attribute. As a result, the returned value for a detail is composed of a list of attributes retrieved from the storage.

You can do this by mapping an item to a comma-separated list of attributes.

<Detail Id="Telephone"  FieldName="telephoneNumber,mobile" Type="text/plain" />

The response can contain a list of values separated by any character chosen by the administrator. To apply the new separator, edit the UserInfoConfig.xml file.

  1. Open UserInfoConfig.xml in an editor.
  2. Choose the Detail tag that you want to use to retrieve a list of attributes.
  3. Complete the FieldName property with the list of attributes to retrieve, separated by commas.
  4. Add an additional property: DisplaySeparator. Set its value to the required character that should appear in the response XML between any 2 retrieved attributes values. For example, <Detail Id="Telephone" FieldName="telephoneNumber,mobile" Type="text/plain" DisplaySeparator="/"/>.
    Note: To ensure a correct display on iOS, use the / symbol as the displaySeparator.
  5. Log in to the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console as the WebSphere administrator.
  6. Click Sametime System Console > Sametime Servers > Sametime Community Servers.
  7. In the Sametime Community Servers list, click the deployment name of the server with the connectivity information that you want to change.
  8. Click the Business Card tab.
  9. Verify that the mapping of this detail (the Telephone detail in the example) is empty.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Restart the server.