Verifying business card configuration

After you have configured your business card feature, you can verify the configuration.

About this task

To display user information, the business card uses an IBM® Sametime® Community Server application named UserInfo. UserInfo retrieves and delivers user information for each client request to view a user's business card. Follow these instructions to verify your business card configuration.


  1. Open the \domino\UserInfoConfig.xml file in a text editor to verify the configuration of your repository.
    For example, when you use an LDAP directory to store user information, the UserInfoConfig.xml should look like this:
    <Resources> <Storage type="LDAP"> <CommonField CommonFieldName="MailAddress"/>
    <StorageDetails HostName="" Port="389" UserName="username" 
    Password="password" SslEnabled="false" SslPort="636" BaseDN="o=ibm" Scope="2" 
    <!-- Add another StorageDetails tag to support another ldap server. The listing order
    implies the searching order -->
    <SslProperties KeyStorePath="" KeyStorePassword=""/> 
    <Detail Id="MailAddress" FieldName="e-mail" Type="text/plain"/>
    <Detail Id="Name" FieldName="cn" Type="text/plain"/>
    <Detail Id="Title" FieldName="title" Type="text/plain"/> 
    <Detail Id="Location" FieldName="postalAddress" Type="text/plain"/> 
    <Detail Id="Telephone" FieldName="telephoneNumber" Type="text/plain"/> 
    <Detail Id="Company" FieldName="ou" Type="text/plain"/> 
    <Detail Id="Photo" FieldName="jpegPhoto" Type="image/jpeg"/>
    </Details> </Storage>
    </Resources> <ParamsSets> 
    <Set SetId="0" params="MailAddress,Name,Title,Location,Telephone,Photo,Company"/>
    <Set SetId="1" params="MailAddress,Name,Title,Location,Telephone,Photo,Company"/>
    </ParamsSets> <BlackBoxConfiguration> 
    <BlackBox type="LDAP" name=""
    </BlackBoxConfiguration> </UserInformation> 
    Then verify that stconfig.nsf has valid data for your repository.
  2. Verify that the HTTP server has been restarted after any changes have been made to the XML file.