Administering Widgets and Live Text

Widgets and Live Text enables end users to see and act on recognized Live Text in any supported content like chat windows, chat history, Notes® documents (Sametime® Embedded Client in Notes client only), and so on, using XML extensions (widgets) created specifically for their use.

Power users can create widgets and make them available to specific users. They can also create a widgets to deploy features and plug-ins to client users.

Administrators control access to a centrally managed widget catalog and widget categories using policy settings (or preferences) and standard database ACLs, as well as levels of user access to Widgets and Live Text functionality.

Note: Certain topic titles in this documentation set have been labeled Embedded ST Only, which means that their content only applies to deployments of IBM® Sametime Connect that are embedded in the Notes client and not the stand-alone version of Sametime Connect Client.