Capturing a network trace in a pod


  1. Get the name of the pod.
     kubectl get pods 
  2. Start a shell session in the pod. Issue the below command, and make the following substitutions:
    kubectl exec -it <podname> --container=<container name> -- bash 
    The name of the pod.
    is the name of the container. If the pod only has one container you can omit this parameter.
    For example, if the pod name is jitsi-74d95d6d49-k5nts and the container name is jigasi, then the resulting command is:
    kubectl exec -it jitsi-74d95d6d49-k5nts --container=jigasi --bash
  3. Update the repositories by issuing the below command:
    apt-get update 
  4. Install tcpdump by issuing the below command:
    apt-get install tcpdump 
  5. Capture the network data, by issuing the command:
    tcpdump -i any -w <filename>.pcap 
  6. Reproduce the problem.
  7. To stop and save the capture press Ctrl+C.