Creating new policies

When a user authenticates, Sametime applies a default policy if no other policy can be found for that user. You can create new policies by copying and editing the policy template. To create a new policy, follow these steps.


  1. Remote into the Sametime server and locate the policies.user.xml file.
  2. Copy the default policy and save in a different folder. For more information, refer to Default Sametime Premium policy template.
  3. Open the file using a text or XML editor.
  4. Edit the values inside the commented lines that begin with <!— and end with --!>.
  5. Remove the comment syntax <! – and --!>.
  6. Increase the policy weight. Each policy weight must be unique. See Changing a user policy’s weight for the steps.
  7. Assign the policy to a group. See Assigning users and groups to policies for the steps.
  8. Save and close the file.
  9. For the policy to take immediate effect, restart the Sametime server. Otherwise, the policy refresh happens once per hour.