Configuring LDAP

Sametime supports LDAP directory servers as the user repository.

The default LDAP configuration works for most environments. The settings are based on an Domino LDAP deployments that has not been modified. If using another LDAP environment, you might need to override the default settings.

You can customize how the Sametime server interacts with LDAP by modifying the StCommunityConfig.xml file located in the Community container. The UserInfoConfig.xml file also contains LDAP settings that can be customized for business cards.

For LDAP security, see the security section of the help center.

Note that when modifying XML files, it is important to keep the indentation preserved and not use any illegal XML characters including in passwords. Do not use copy and paste into the XML files, it might corrupt the files.

When using the StCommunityConfig.xml and UserInfoConfig.xml files to override default setting, the LDAP bind credentials are stored in these files. If the bind account password changes, these files need to be updated too. To change the bind password in these files, see Changing the LDAP service account password in Kubernetes.

You can customize the following:
  • The resolve filter for resolving user names
  • The search filter for finding users
  • The group resolve filter Define the attributes used for group membership, mail, BaseDN display name for searching users and groups
  • The frequency for refreshing the directory
  • Configure additional LDAP servers: See Configuring additional LDAP servers on Kubernetes
  • Business Cards: See Setting up business cards
The following table describes the configuration settings.
Table 1. Configuration settings for StCommunityConfig.xml
Setting Description Default setting
DirRefreshInterval The amount of time users and groups are refreshed. The refreshed data is maintained in a cache. This cache can be a resource intensive operation for large directories and can be adjusted to happen at a less frequent interval. For example, if you have more than 200,000 entries in the directory, consider changing this to 240 minutes. 60 minutes
ConfigRefreshInterval The amount of time that lapses before policy, sametime.ini, UserInfoConfig.xml and StCommunityConfig.xml files are re-read. There is typically no need to change this setting. 60 minutes
Connection HostName The fully qualified host name of the LDAP server. If you are using a cluster, it is recommended to place a load balancer in front of the cluster and use the load balancer host name or IP address. The value for this setting is obtained from the values.yaml file. It is placed there when prompted during the prepareDeployment script.
OrganizationName Do not specify. This setting is deprecated.
Note: Specifying a value might prevent users from logging in successfully.
Do not change.
Port The unsecured LDAP port, if you are using an unsecure connection to LDAP. If an unsecured LDAP is specified when running, the port specified at the script prompt is used. If secure LDAP was specified, the default value is 1389.
BindEntryDn The LDAP Bind account name, which can be in DN or email format. This is blank unless a value is provided during the, and then it is retrieved from the sametime-global-secrets.
BindEntryPassword The password for the BindEntryDn. Blank or retrieved from sametime-global-secrets.
Turn off SSL.
Turn on SSL.
The value for this is provided during prepareDeployment.shand is pulled from values.yaml file.
SSLPort The LDAP secure port. The well-known port is 636, but some LDAP services use a proprietary port. This selection is made during the and is pulled from the values.yaml file.
SearchOrder The order in which LDAP directories are searched. Do not change this value unless you have more than one LDAP server to configure. Each search order must be unique.
PersonResolveBase The base DN used for searching users. If users are in a specific OU, you can list that OU and Sametime begins searching there. For example, if users are in OU=users,O=example, you can set this as your PersonResolveBase. None. The entire directory is searched.
PersonResolveFilter The filter used to search LDAP when a user searches with Quickfind. (&(objectclass=organizationalPerson)(|(cn=%s*)(givenname=%s*)(sn=%s*)(mail=%s*)))
PersonResolveScope The scope of the search.
Search the entire directory recursively starting at the base DN.
Search the base DN and not search OUs.
recursive (searches nested OUs)
GroupResolveBase The base DN for searching groups. For example if your groups are in a specific OU, you can list that OU and Sametime will begin searching there. For example if your groups all exist in OU=groups,O=example, you can use that as a base DN.
Note: Domino LDAP groups are flat and you should not use a GroupResolveBase if using Domino LDAP.
GroupResolveFilter The filter used to resolve a group name to a group. The name of the objectClass used by Domino uses for groups is groupOfNames. Other LDAP providers might use a different name, such as groupOfUniqueNames.

This filter is used when clients add groups to contact lists, or when Sametime clients calculate their policy.

GroupResolveScope The scope of a search.
Search all nested OUs.
Searchonly the base DN.
UserIdAttribute Defines the Sametime ID. The DN is used as the default
NameAttribute The attribute used to display the user’s name in meetings, chat and business cards. cn
DescAttribute This setting is not used and should be left blank. None, do not change.
GroupNameAttribute The name of the attribute that holds the group’s name. cn
PersonObjectClass The object class that defines a person in the LDAP directory. organizationalPerson
GroupObjectClass The object class that defines a group in the LDAP directory. groupOfNames
HomeServerAttribute Does not apply to version 12.0 and higher deployments. None
UserDnSearchFilter The filter to resolve a user to a unique DN. Use this to customize how Sametime searches and finds a user and resolves them to their DN. "(&(objectclass=organizationalPerson)(|(cn=%s)(givenname=%s)(sn=%s)(mail=%s)))"
GroupMemberAttribute The name of the attribute that holds the members of a group. Member
EmailAttribute The name of the attribute that holds the email address. Mail
GroupMembership The resolve filter used by policies to determine if a user is a member of a group. It might be more performant to change this to the memberOf attribute in lieu of a search. "(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(member=%s))"