General file transfer policies

General policies apply to all client settings. Edit the following policies to fit your business needs.

Policy id = im.1, Default Setting: ON

By default, you can share files with other users. Turn this setting off to restrict file sharing between users. Any configuration made to this policy is applied across all clients. This policy affects one-to-one chats and works in conjunction with the im.allowTransferringFilesToNwayParticipants policy.
Note: To allow or restrict users from downloading files such as meeting recordings or reports, configure the policy. For more information, refer to Mobile file transfer policies.

Policy id = im.2, Default Setting: 100000

By default, the maximum file size of your load file or compressed file is 100,000 KB. You can change the maximum file size. Any configuration made to this policy is applied across all clients.

Policy id = im.allowTransferringFilesToNwayParticipants, Default Setting: ON

By default, you can share files in group chats. To allow users to share files in a group chat, enable this policy and the im.1 policy.

Policy id = im.3, Default Setting: ON

Specifies whether files can be shared with other users based on the types specified in the im.4 policy. Use this policy to enable the restrictions for the types that policy im.4 defines. This policy is turned on by default.

Policy id = im.4, Default Setting: "exe,bat,cmd"

By default, you can restrict the files that users can share. With this policy, you can restrict the file types that users can share. Specify a comma-separated list of file extensions that users cannot send. This policy is in effect when policy im.3 is turned on. The default values for this policy are as follows:
  • bat
  • cmd
  • exe