Managing device settings

You can manage some Sametime settings from the device settings.

About this task

From the device Settings screen, you can define the access the Sametime app have to some of the device's resources, such as the calendar and photos. You can also define settings for how the return key functions and for turning on and off logging.


  1. Open the Settings screen on your device.
  2. Scroll to locate Sametime.
  3. Tap the arrow next to Sametime to open settings that the Sametime app uses.
    You can turn on and off the access to the Samtime app for device resources such as the following:
    • Calendar
    • Photos
    • Microphone
    • Camera
    • Siri & Search
    • Notifications
    • Background App Refresh
    For some resources, you can specify additional details about the access. Tap the resource name to see the details settings related to the resource.
    In the Sametime Settings section, you can define the following settings:
    Return Key Sends Message
    When this setting is on, tapping the return key sends a chat message. When it is off, tapping the return key inserts a return character so that you can write multiple-line messages. This setting is helpful when you use an external keyboard with an iPad.
    Debug Logging
    Enables additional logging. To avoid performance issues, turn this setting on only when troubleshooting a problem with HCL support.