Reserving IP addresses for TURN Servers

Reserve IP addresses for use by the TURN Servers in your deployment.

If you intend to install a cluster of TURN Servers, you must allocate additional IP addresses for every TURN Server in the cluster. You will configure the IP addresses in each server's file when you deploy a load balancer for the TURN Server cluster (see Configuring the TURN Server for load balancing). Table 1 describes the IP addresses to reserve and how they are used.

Table 1. IP addresses needed for each TURN Server in the clusterIP addresses used by the TURN Servers in a cluster.

IP address setting Description Setting in file
Loopback IP address The address on the TURN Server to which the load balancer routes client connections. turn.loopback.hostname.ipv4=Load_balancer_Loopback_IP
Local IP address The TURN Server's actual IP address. When a client is routed to the server's loopback address, the server provides that client with this address for subsequent connections within the same session. This value is also used as the default for other IP settings if they are missing. turn.local.hostname.ipv4=TURN_Server_local_IP
Allocation IP address The IP address where the TURN Server should allocate the relayed ports if port forwarding is configured. In most cases this IP address will be the same as the Local IP address. turn.allocation.hostname.ipv4=TURN_Server_local_IP
External IP address (This address is not typically needed) The IP address where the TURN Server should direct the initial client requests coming from the load balancer. In most cases this IP address will be the same as the Local IP address value. If the physical IP address of the TURN Server is not directly accessible by clients (such as a private address), specify an IP address that is accessible. turn.redirect.hostname.ipv4=TURN_Server_external_IP
Reflexive IP address (This address is not typically needed.) The IP address that the TURN Server should publish as the allocated IP address. In most cases this IP address will be the same as the Local IP address value. If the physical IP address of the TURN Server is not directly accessible by clients (such as a private address), specify the NAT reflexive address that is accessible. turn.public.hostname.ipv4=TURN_Server_reflexive_IP