Registering a new Gateway cluster on IBM i with the System Console

After installing the IBM® Sametime® Gateway cluster on IBM i, register it with the Sametime System Console, which allows you to manage all Sametime servers from a central location.

Before you begin

Before you register the cluster, verify that you have completed the following tasks:
  • The Sametime System Console must be started.
  • The LDAP server must be connected to the System Console and must be started.
  • The Gateway database must be connected to the System Console and must be started.
  • The Community Server that the Gateway server connects to must already be registered with the Console and must be started.

About this task

Working from the cluster's deployment manager, follow these steps to update properties files and run the registration utility to register the cluster with the console.

Note: Run this utility only on the deployment manager; do not register individual nodes because they will be registered automatically during the cluster registration.
During this task you will edit the following files; click the file names to see details. You may want to open the topic in a new browser tab or window so you can keep it open for reference:

For additional information about default paths, see Directory conventions.


  1. On the deployment manager, navigate to the stgw_server_root/console directory.
    Note: If a cluster's Primary Node is installed on the same server as the deployment manager, make sure you are working in the deployment manager's profile.
  2. Make backup copies (using different names) of the and files.
  3. Update the deployment manager's file:
    1. Open the file for editing.
    2. Update the file with the following values:
      Table 1. settings for the Deployment Manager
      Property Value
      SSCHostName Provide the fully qualified host name of the Sametime System Console server.
      SSCHTTPPort Specify the HTTP port used for the Sametime System Console server if SSL is not enabled and the value for SSCSSLEnabled is "false."

      To determine the correct HTTP port, open the AboutThisProfile.txt file for the Sametime System Console Application Server Profile and use the setting specified for the "HTTP transport port." The default profile name is STSCAppProfile.

      On IBM i, look for the AboutThisProfile.txt file in the following location: /QIBM/UserData/Websphere/AppServer/V7/SametimeWAS/profiles/STSCAppProfile/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt

      SSCUserName Enter the IBM WebSphere Application Server User ID that you created when you installed Sametime System Console. The default is wasadmin.
      SSCPassword Enter the WebSphere Application Server password associated with the SSCUserName.
      SSCSSLEnabled Change this value to "true" to connect to the Sametime System Console using a secure connection.
      SSCHTTPSPort Specify the HTTPS port used by the Sametime System Console server if SSCSSLEnabled is set to "true."
    3. Verify that the remaining settings are appropriate for the deployment manager.
    4. Save and close the file.
  4. Update the deployment manager's file:
    1. Open the file for editing.
    2. Update the file with the following values:

      Only the required values in this file are listed here:

      Table 2. Settings for the Deployment Manager
      Property Value
      DepName Provide a descriptive name for your deployment. It must be a unique deployment name on the Sametime System Console.
      WASPassword Specify the password associated with the WASUserID
      LDAPBindDN Specify the Bind Distinguished Name of the LDAP server that was registered with the Sametime System Console.
      LDAPBindPassword Specify the password associated with the LDAPBindDN value.
      LDAPBindAnonymous Change to "true" only if you are allowing anonymous access to the LDAP server.
      DB2AdminPassword Specify the password associated with the database ID.
      CommunityServerHost Specify the fully qualified host name (not the IP address) of the Community Server registered with the Sametime System Console.
      CommunityServerPort Specify the port for the Community Server for server Connections (the default is 1516).
    3. Verify that the remaining settings are appropriate for the deployment manager.
    4. Save and close the file.
  5. Update the Primary Node's file on the deployment manager server:
    1. Navigate to the was_install_root/profiles/DMProfile/config/cells/DMCell/nodes/PNnode directory.
    2. Open the file for editing.
    3. In the DepName setting, provide a descriptive name for Primary Node deployment; it must be a unique deployment name on the Sametime System Console.
    4. Set the value of isFederated to true for a primary or secondary node. The registration utility cannot run without this value.
    5. Verify that the remaining settings are appropriate for the Primary Node.
    6. Save and close the file.
  6. Update the Secondary Node's file on the deployment manager server:
    1. Navigate to the was_install_root/profiles/DMProfile/config/cells/DMCell/nodes/SNnode directory.
    2. Open the file for editing.
    3. In the DepName setting, provide a descriptive name for the Secondary Node deployment; it must be a unique deployment name on the Sametime System Console.
    4. Set the value of isFederated to true for a primary or secondary node. The registration utility cannot run without this value.
    5. Verify that the remaining settings are appropriate for the Secondary Node.
    6. Save and close the file.
  7. Run the registration utility:
    1. Navigate back to the deployment manager's Sametime Gateway Server directory: stgw_server_root/console.
    2. From an IBM i command line, run the following command to start the QShell Interpreter: QSH
    3. Run the cd shell command, specifying the fully qualified path to the console directory you used in Step 1.
    4. Run the shell script to register the server:
    5. When the utility prompts for the cluster's name, type the name and press Enter.
    6. When the registration script completes, press F3 to exit QSH.

      The utility registers the cluster, as well as each node, generating a log file called ConsoleUtility.log and storing it in the consoles/logs directory. If the registration is successful, a will also be generated.

  8. Start the Sametime Gateway cluster, if it is not already running.