Installing Sametime Connect on Windows in silent mode

You install the Sametime® Connect Client on Microsoft Windows® in silent mode by using two files that are provided with the client installation kit.

About this task

The silentinstall.ini file contains configuration parameters for the Sametime Connect client. The settings are used to prepopulate the community-config.xml file with server connection information and other parameters required by the installer.


  1. Download the clienet installation package.
  2. Copy the setup.bat and the silentinstall.ini files from the root of the download, and then update them to meet your requirements.
  3. Update the setup.bat file.

    The batch file (setup.bat) contains several different commands that can be used to perform different installation functions. Some of the commands are commented out by default but can be uncommented and updated if the function is needed. Detailed explanations are included in the setup.bat file.

    The commands in the setup.bat file contains configuration parameters, which are described in Table 1.

    Table 1. Sametime Connect command line parameters in the setup.bat file
    Parameter Description
    install.log The name of the log file created by the installer. The file is created in the same directory as the installer.
    INSTALLDIR={path} Full path to the desired installation directory.
    STSILENTINIFILE={name} Name of the silentinstall.ini file.
    STSILENTINSTALL=TRUE Must be TRUE for silent execution.
    STMIGRATESETTINGSPRE75CHK Instructs the installer to migrate connection settings from an existing pre-7.5 version of Sametime.
    LAPAGREE= Set to YES to indicate acceptance of the license agreement. This must be specified on the command-line when the silentinstall.ini file is not used. When silentinstall.ini is used, LAPAGREE is set in that file.
  4. Update the silentinstall.ini file.

    The commands in the silentinstall.ini file contains configuration parameters, which are described in Table 2.

    Table 2. Parameters in the silentinstall.ini file
    Parameter Description
    LAPAGREE=NO You must change this parameter to YES to indicate acceptance of the license agreement.
    CREATECOMMUNITYTEMPLATE=true When set to true, this parameter creates a community-config.xml file. If you use a custom plugin_customization.ini file to set initial preferences that are unique to your site or to add custom features, change this value to false to ensure that your custom settings are honored. Fully qualified host name of the Sametime Community Server. Normally this should be the same as the home server specified in the Person document.
    STCOMMUNITYNAME= YourCommunityName Community name
    STSERVERPORT=1533 Sametime Community Server IP port number
    STSENDKEEPALIVE=true Flag for sending keep-alive signal.
    STKEEPALIVETIME=60 Default is 60 seconds. Indicates how often to check the connectivity between the client and server, allowing timely notification if disconnected.
    STCONNECTIONTYPE75=direct Connection type
    STPROXYHOST=Proxy port number (leave blank if not used) Sametime Proxy host name (leave blank if not used)
    STPROXYPORT= Sametime Proxy port number (leave blank if not used)
    STRESOLVELOCALY75= Sametime Proxy resolves local flag (TRUE/FALSE)
    STPROXYUSERNAME= Sametime Proxy user name (leave blank if not used)
    STPROXYPASSWORD= Sametime Proxy password (leave blank if not used)
    Specify one of the language codes to set the language used by the Sametime Connect client. If not specified, the client computer's default language is used.
    • cs - Czech
    • da - Danish
    • de - German
    • el - Greek
    • en - English
    • es - Spanish
    • fi - Finnish
    • fr - French
    • hu - Hungarian
    • it - Italian
    • ja - Japanese
    • ko - Korean
    • nl - Dutch
    • nb - Norwegian
    • pl - Polish
    • pt - Portuguese (Portugal)
    • pt_BR - Portuguese (Brazil)
    • ru - Russian
    • sv - Swedish
    • tr - Turkish
    • zh_CN - Chinese (simplified)
    • zh_TW - Chinese (traditional)
    STAUTHSERVERURL= Specifies the URL of the Auth Server for SSO Token Login (leave blank if not used)

    See Configuring single sign-on with Microsoft Windows Active Directory for additional information.

    STLOGINBYTOKEN=false Login By Token flag. TRUE/FALSE
    STUSEAUTHSERVER=false Use Auth Server flag. TRUE/FALSE
    STLOGINATSTARTUP=false Login at startup flag. TRUE/FALSE

    Uninstall Sametime 7.5.x client flag:

    1=uninstall 7.5.x client if found

    0=leave 7.5.x client installed


    Uninstall Sametime clients older than release 7.5:

    1=uninstall pre-7.5 client if found (default)

    0=leave pre-7.5 client installed

  5. Copy the updated files to the user's computer.
  6. Run the silent install with the following command: setup.bat -silentinstall.ini