General Sametime Meeting Server configuration keys for mobile users

Add any of these custom configuration keys to the Sametime® Meeting Server to apply to meeting participants using mobile devices. Default values are assumed for any configuration keys that are not present.

Table 1. Mobile configuration key values

Configuration key Default configuration value Description
mobile.allowLibraryDownloads True
Allows files to be downloaded from a room library to the device. To prevent downloads this property should be set to false.
Note: This parameter also determines if meeting room recordings can be downloaded to the mobile client.
mobile.allowLibraryExport True

Allows files to be downloaded to the device and then exported outside of the client's control. An exported file is decrypted. To prevent file export, this property should be set to False.

When set to False, this prevents the file from being exported to third-party apps. It also prevents the file from being made available for uploading to other room libraries. These files can only be viewed using Quick Look if applicable.

In addition to this property being enabled, the user must have room download privileges and their user policy must allow downloads from the library.

Note: This parameter also determines if meeting room recordings can be exported outside of the client's control.
mobile.allowLibraryUploads True

Allows files to be uploaded from the device (files and media gallery) to a room library.

In addition to enabling this property, you must ensure that users have room sharing privileges for adding to the library, and that their policy also allows uploads. To prevent library uploads, set this property to False.

mobile.allowUntrustedSSL True

Determines if a mobile client is allowed to connect to a server secured with a self-signed certificate.


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When a calendar event is associated with a meeting, the mobile meetings client will scan the calendar event looking for phone numbers, pass code numbers, and host code numbers. Many times, host codes and pass codes are preceded by a word or a hit such as hostcode or passcode. There can also be delimiter characters between the hint and the code. There are a set of these delimiters that the client maintains and uses for finding host codes and pass codes in the body of a calendar event. However, it is very likely that a customer may need to add additional delimiters to the default list. When this is the case, an administrator can use this server configuration parameter to add a comma delimited list of delimiters to the default set.

mobile.enablePasswordSave True

Determines whether the mobile meetings client can save the meeting server password credentials. A value of False forces credential prompts when performing authenticated user tasks. When in this mode the password will be valid and can be reused without additional prompts for the time specified in mobile.passwordTimeout property.

mobile.enableRoomPasswordSave True

Determines whether the mobile meetings client will allow the user to save a room password once it has been entered and validated. A value of False forces the user to enter the room password each time they join the room.


hc, hpc, host, hostcode, host code, hostpasscode, hostpassword, moderator,moderatorcode, moderatorpasscode, leadercode, leaderpasscode, mpc, lpc, hostid, leaderid, moderatorid, leaderpin, hostpin, moderatorpin, hostnumber, moderatornumber, leadernumber, hostpc, hpw, mpw, mod

When a calendar event is associated with a meeting, the mobile meetings client will scan the calendar event looking for phone numbers, pass code numbers, and host code numbers. Many times host codes are preceded by a word or a hit such as hostcodeor hc. There is a set of these hints that the client maintains and uses for finding host codes in the body of a calendar event. However, it is very likely that a customer may need to add additional hints to the default list. When this is the case, an administrator can use this server configuration parameter to add a comma delimited list of host code hints to the default set.


pc, pass, passcode, participantcode, participant code, code, x, password, participant, participantid, confirmation, pin, confcall, confcode, participantnumber, #, pw, <comma>, p

When a calendar event is associated with a meeting, the mobile meetings client will scan the calendar event looking for phone numbers, pass code numbers, and host code numbers. Many times, pass codes are preceded by a word or a hit such as passcodeor pc. There are a set of hints that the client maintains and uses for finding pass codes in the body of a calendar event. However, it is very likely that a customer may need to add new hints to the default list. When this is the case, an administrator can use this server configuration parameter to add a comma delimited list of pass code hints to the default set.

mobile.passwordTimeout 720

The time (in minutes) that an entered password will be valid. Used in conjunction with a False setting for mobile.enablePasswordSave.



Without this parameter, a mobile meetings client using an authenticating (reverse) proxy connects to the Meeting Server with the same proxy address, port, and credentials used to connect to the Sametime Proxy Server.

If the connection to the Sametime Proxy Server must use a different authenticating proxy address and port, add the mobile.stProxySSLAddress parameter to the meeting server configuration. The mobile client then connects to the Sametime Proxy Server using the alternate authenticating proxy address and port. If the connection attempt encounters a 401 Basic Authentication challenge, the same credentials that are used with the Meeting Server connection are used.

The parameter uses the following syntax:
