Checking that applications are running before connecting

You can configure the SafeLinx Client to check that specific programs are running, such as antivirus or personal firewall software, before allowing the connection to start.

About this task

In the configuration file artour.ini<account_ name>.conf, you can specify as many as 16 applications that must be running before a connection can be established. The SafeLinx Client prevents user from logging on until all of the required applications are running.

For each application you want to require, add values to the following pair of parameters:

The name of the application that must be running before the SafeLinx Client attempts to connect. The application name is a descriptive name that is displayed to the user in informational and error messages. Beginning with 1, increment n for each application that is required before a connection can start. For example, PrereqAppName1, PrereqAppName2, PrereqAppName3, ... PrereqAppName16.
The name of the application process that must be running before the SafeLinx Client attempts to connect. Beginning with 1, increment n for each application that is required before a connection can start. For example, PrereqAppProcess1, PrereqAppProcess2, PrereqAppProcess3, ... PrereqAppProcess16.
Note: To find the names of running processes, right-click the taskbar, click Start Task Manager, and then click Processes. To find the names of running processes, from a shell prompt, type: ps -e

To disable all configured application prerequisites, you can add the parameter PrerequisiteDisabled to the configuration file and set its value to 1.

To add an entry to the configuration file, complete the following procedure:


  1. Use a text editor to open the artour.ini fileEdit the file c:\system\data\SafeLinx Client\accounts directory\<account_name>.conf, and in the Connection section of the file, type the desired parameter and value.

    For example, to specify an application prerequisite, add the following two lines to the Connection section:

    For example, to require Norton Antivirus to be running before a connection can complete, create the following entry in the artour.ini file:
    PrereqAppName1=Norton Antivirus
    To add a second application prerequisite to the same file for the Zone Alarm Integrity client, you would add the following entry to the file, incrementing the numeric value of each parameter:
    PrereqAppName2=Zone Alarm Integrity Client 
  2. Save and close the file.


If an application that is listed in the configuration file is not running when the SafeLinx Client starts, the user is prompted to start it. If an application listed in the configuration file is not running, the SafeLinx Client attempts to start it automatically. If an application cannot be started, an error message is displayed and the user is unable to log on.