IBM® WebSphere® Application Server requirements

You can find information about the software requirements for using IBM® WebSphere® Application Server products with HCL OneTest API.

The following table lists the software requirements.
Note: For information about supported software versions, see System Requirements.
Software requirement Description

WebSphere® Application Server (including Network Deployment edition)

You need access to a WebSphere® Application Server installation if you want to use HCL OneTest API with WebSphere® Application Server.

You must also use Library Manager to specify the installation directory of the required WebSphere® Application Server JAR files. For information about Library Manager and JAR files, see Configure default and custom provider library settings.

For information about WebSphere® Application Server requirements, see the online product documentation at WebSphere Application Server documentation.

Service integration bus (SIBus)

If you want to integrate with SIBus, you must have WebSphere® Application Server installed.

The locations of the IBM libraries that are used for accessing WebSphere® Application Server SIBus functionality are defined for you in Library Manager.