Word scoring for fuzzy searches

If you have created an index with the WORD_SUPPORT = PATTERN index parameter, the search engine considers words that match your clue approximately and that match your clue exactly. The search engine uses fuzzy logic to determine whether a pattern match is considered a hit. It assigns a word score to candidate matches based on its internal rules.

By default, only words that match your search clue by a relative measure of 70 out of 100—that have a word score of 70 or better—are considered hits. You can change the default by specifying your own value for the WORD_SCORE tuning parameter.

For example, suppose you want the text search engine to count only as hits words that match your clues by a measure of 85 or better. You would specify this condition by setting WORD_SCORE = 85 in the etx_contains() operator, as shown in the following example:
SELECT id, description FROM videos
    WHERE etx_contains ( description,
    Row('multimedia document editor' , 

The following sections show how you perform the types of fuzzy searches enabled by the module.