Permanently delete database <database name> on server <server name>?

What Happened

You selected a application on a server, then chose File > Application > Delete.

What You Can Do

First, decide whether you want to permanently delete this application from the server it's stored on, or to remove the bookmark. Then click Yes or No:

  • Yes - Deletes the application from the specified server; it will no longer be available to anyone from that server. You can select this option only if you have Manager access to the application and deletion access on the server.
    CAUTION: You cannot recover a deleted application! Make sure that nobody else needs it before you delete it.
  • No - Returns you to IBM® Notes® where you chose File > Application > Delete. You can then remove the bookmark by right-clicking the bookmark and choosing Remove Bookmark.

You can add the bookmark again anytime by choosing File > Open > Notes® Application (Notes Basic client users: File > Application > Open), then clicking Bookmark.