Setting notes.ini values

This topic describes how to configure notes.ini settings.

You can set the notes.ini via MDM (if mobile, not web), a Domino policy, or panagenda MarvelClient. The notes.ini action in MarvelClient which can be used for Nomad with just the basic MarvelClient essential license is recommended.

For information on setting the "notesINISettings" setting via MDM, see Managing HCL Nomad via an MDM provider (mobile).

For information on setting a Domino policy, see Assigning Notes®.INI settings through user policies.

For information on setting the notes.ini via MarvelClient, see this panagenda blog post.

Note: For Nomad for web browsers, notes.ini's can also be set with the following command issued from the browser's console:
jsSetEnvironmentVariable('name', 'value')
Use a value of '' to remove a notes.ini.

If the notes.ini is being set during initial setup, jsSetEnvironmentVariableNow() should be used instead of jsSetEnvironmentVariable(). At all other times, jsSetEnvironmentVariable() should be used.

Note: If a notes.ini value needs to be set before any of the above mechanisms can set the notes.ini, you can modify the default notes.ini file on the server in the /wasmpreload/data/ directory (it is the only .ini file in that directory). This .ini file is gzip compressed, so you will need to undo the compression, edit the file, and redo the compression; this file applies to all new browser setups (not existing setups).