Data Format

The format for the incoming and output data. Supported data formats are JSON and Delimited.

If the Data Format is delimited, and the delimeters are set to defaults, the example data format is the following:

The record delimiter is an option on the last record.

If the Data Format is a JSON array, for example the following:
    "key": "Key1",
    "value": "Value1"
    "key": "Key2",
    "value": "Value2"

Key1 value is set to Value1, Key2 value is set to Value2.

If the Data Format is a JSON object, for example:

{ “Key1”:”Value1”, Key2:123 }

Key1 value is set to string “Value1” and Key2 integer value 123 is set to string “123”.

All cache values are stored as strings, but the value provided could be in any format supported by JSON.