Adapter methods used post-instance creation

After you create an instance of the adapter and connection objects, the map can use these objects to get data, put data, or to listen for events. The adapter virtual table, MPI_ADAPTER_VTABLE, points to a number of methods that are provided by the adapter.

The methods in the following table can be used after instances of the adapter and connection objects have been created.
Method Description
BeginTransaction Start a transaction
EndTransaction End a transaction
Get Get data for a source resource
Put Send data to a target resource
Listen Listen for an event
ValidateProperties Check the validity of the adapter’s properties
CompareConnection Determine whether an existing connection can be reused
ValidateConnection Ensure an existing connection is still alive
CompareWatches Determine whether two watches are equivalent
OnNotify This is called to notify the adapter of key events

There is an additional method, CombinedListen, that works with collections of adapters and is not, therefore, a method of the adapter object.