Item type properties

The following table lists the Microsoft SQL Server data types and the values of the item type properties to which they correspond when the schema is generated.

Microsoft SQL Server Data Type Interpret as Item Subclass, Presentation Length
BINARY Binary Text *
CHAR Character Text *
DATETIME Character Date & Time 23
DECIMAL(n) 1 Character Number, Integer *
DECIMAL(n,m)2 Character Number, Decimal *
FLOAT Binary Number, Float 8
IMAGE Binary Text *
INT Character Number, Integer 11
MONEY Character Number, Decimal 17
NUMERIC(n) 1 Character Number, Integer *
NUMERIC(n,m) 2 Character Number, Decimal *
REAL Binary Number, Float 4
SMALLDATETIME Character Date & Time 19
SMALLINT Character Number, Integer 6
SMALLMONEY Character Number, Decimal 17
TEXT Character Text *
TIMESTAMP Binary Text 8
TINYINT Character Number, Integer 4
VARBINARY Binary Text *
VARCHAR Character Text *

1 n > 1

2 n > 1, m > 0

* The DBMS dictates the length of this type.