GET> Source> Command setting

Use the Map Designer to specify Database as the value for the GET > Source setting and enter the database adapter commands as desired for the Command setting.

With Database/Query File Without Database/Query File

[-DBTYPE SQLSVR] [-SOURCE server\\database] [-STMT SQL_statement] [-FILE [directory]] [-VAR name=value...] [-TRIG trigger_string] [-USER user_ID] [-PASSWORD password] [-CSTMT [number]] [-GTX] [-AUDIT[G][+] [full_path]] [{-TRACE|-TRACEERR}[+] [full_path]]

-DBTYPE SQLSVR -SOURCE server\\database -STMT SQL_statement [-FILE [directory]] [-VAR name=value...] [-TRIG trigger_string] [-USER user_ID] [-PASSWORD password] [-CSTMT [number]] [-GTX] [-AUDIT[G][+] [full_path]] [{-TRACE|-TRACEERR}[+] [full_path]]