Stored procedures native call syntax

A stored procedure can be accessed from within a map by specifying the native call syntax in the following:

  • a query that is specified in an input card
  • the first argument in a DBQUERY or DBLOOKUP function

    This argument does not need to be a literal. The arguments to the stored procedure might be determined at map execution time.

  • the SQL Statement adapter command (-STMT) in DBQUERY, DBLOOKUP, or GET functions

For information about using DBLOOKUP or DBQUERY, see database functions in the Database Interface Designer documentation. For information about using the syntax for device-independent calls to access return values and output adapter commands, see stored procedures in the Database Interface Designer documentation.

For example, a call to a stored procedure using Microsoft SQL Server in a DBLOOKUP might be:

DBLOOKUP         ("exec MyAddNameProc(' " + Name:Column + " ',-1)",

String literals must be contained within single quotation marks. Adapter arguments must be separated by commas.