Expiration (-E)

Use the Expiration adapter command (-E or -EXPIRATION) to specify the time-to-live in milliseconds for how long an undelivered message might be retained by the provider before it expires. The value is t Š 0.

t = 0 specifies no expiration (message lives "forever").

t > 0 specifies that a sent message can live up to t milliseconds after it is sent before it expires.

This is an optional command. The default is javax.jms.Message.DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE, which implies infinite message life in most cases.

-E time_milliseconds
Specify the time-to-live in milliseconds for how long an undelivered message might be retained by the provider.

For example, to specify 3000 milliseconds as the expiration time for an undelivered message to be retained:

-E 3000