Source> Transaction> Scope setting

Use the Scope setting to specify when to check for success (OnSuccess) or failure (OnFailure) at the completion of the processing of either a map, burst, or card. This is so that the rollback and retry actions can be performed as specified. The default value is Map.

Check for success or failure at the completion of each map. If the map successfully completes, use the OnSuccess setting. If the map fails, use the OnFailure setting.
Check for success or failure at the completion of each burst. If the burst is successful, use the OnSuccess setting. If the burst fails, use the OnFailure setting.
Check for success or failure at the completion of each card. If the card is successfully processed, use the OnSuccess setting. If the card fails, use the OnFailure setting.

The Burst and Card transaction scope settings cause subsequent MQ read-only GET operations within the same map to start from the beginning of the queue. This can be useful when you perform multiple consecutive ad-hoc searches (by using a RUN map or GET calls) for messages that are not in any specific order on the queue.