onstat -g rah command: Section 1 Read Ahead

This section displays general cumulative information about read aheads instance-wide.

Figure 1. onstat -g rah command output, section 1
Read Ahead
# Qs                     3
# RA Daemon Threads      3
# Requests               4445632
cur. queued              6
max. queued              10
max. indiv. Q len        3
# Continued              4667
# Memory Failures        0
Way Behind               0
Daemon Frees             0
Last Thread Add          10/31/2021.11:02:59

Output description

# Qs
Number of queues for read-ahead requests.
# RA Daemon Threads
Number of read-ahead daemon threads servicing the queues.
Number of read-ahead requests made in total.
cur. queued
Number of read-ahead requests currently in the queue(s) waiting for a daemon to process them.
max. queued
The maximum number of requests queued at a given moment.
max. indiv. Q len
The maximum number of requests in an individual queue.
# Continued
Number of times a read-ahead daemon continued processing a request rather than switch temporarily to another one. This occurs when the request processing is not ahead of the reader.
# Memory Failures
Number of failed requests because of insufficient memory.
Way behind
Number of page list requests that were dropped because the read-ahead daemon was too far behind.
Daemon Frees
Typically a reader will free its own read-ahead request structures, but occasionally a daemon must take on that job, for example if the reader has exited before the read-ahead request was completed.
Last Thread Add
Date and time when the last read-ahead thread was added.