onstat -g smx command: Print multiplexer group information

Use the onstat -g smx command to display information about the server multiplexer group for servers using SMX.

Figure 1. Syntax:
Command Explanation
onstat -g smx Displays SMX connection statistics
onstat -g smx ses Displays SMX session statistics

Example output

Figure 2. onstat -g smx command output
SMX connection statistics: 
SMX control block: 0x47d5e028

  Peer server name: lx1
  SMX connection address: 0x457dad60
  Encryption status: Disabled
Total bytes sent: 39687
  Total bytes received: 281310
  Total buffers sent: 647
  Total buffers received: 1269
  Total write calls: 237
  Total read calls: 1269
  Total retries for write call: 0
  Data compression level: 0
  Data sent: compressed 39687 bytes by  0%
  Data received: compressed 281310 bytes by  0%
  smx_pipe_name smxrcv x_lx1 creation_time "06-26 08:18:12.002698" net_error 0

Output description

SMX control block
SMX control block
Peer server name
Displays the name of the peer server
SMX connection address
Displays the address of the SMX connection
Encryption status
Displays whether encryption is enabled or disabled
Total bytes sent
Displays the total number of bytes sent
Total bytes received
Displays the total number of bytes received
Total buffers sent
Displays the total number of buffers sent
Total buffers received
Displays the total number of buffers received
Total write calls
Displays the total number of write calls
Total read calls
Displays the total number of read calls
Total retries for write call
Displays the total number of retries for write call
Data compression level
Displays the SMX compression level as set by the SMX_COMPRESS configuration parameter
Data sent: compressed x bytes by y%
Displays the uncompressed number of bytes and the compression ratio of the data sent
Data received: compressed x bytes by y%
Displays the uncompressed number of bytes and the compression ratio of the data received
The thread/pipe name used for communication
The time when this thread was created
Error number if this thread encounters any network related error

Example Output

Figure 3. onstat -g smx ses Output

SMX session statistics: 
SMX control block: 0x17c69028

Peer        SMX session        client        reads        writes
name        address            type
delhi_sec     19022050   smx Clone Send            6          183

Output Description

SMX control block
SMX control block
Peer name
Displays the name of the peer server
SMX session address
SMX session address
Client type
Displays type of secondary server
Displays the total number of session reads
Displays the total number of session writes