Configuring the server-side CIFS shares

Shared storage is required between the Conversion and Docs server to share configuration and document data and information. This could be configured and exported as a CIFS share.

About this task

For IBM Docs, there are two potential CIFS (SMB) shares that can be configured and exported.
  • The Docs data share (DOCS DATA) – This share is used by the Docs server and Conversion server.
  • The Viewer data share (VIEWER DATA) – This share is used by the Viewer server and Conversion server.
  • The IBM Connections File Content Directory – This share is used by the Viewer server to retrieve files from IBM Connections Files repository. The configuration and exporting of this share is covered in the topic Configuring the Connections file content directory for File Viewer using CIFS.


  1. Right-click the directory you want to share and click Properties.
  2. Within the Properties window, click the Sharing tab.
  3. Click the Share button to share the folder. Give the Read/Write access to the user you want to use to connect to the share.
  4. Within the Properties window, click the Security tab.
  5. Click the Edit button, select the user used to connect to the share, make sure it has Modify permission.