Defining social network settings for LinkedIn | HCL Digital Experience

Complete these configuration parameters to set up a social network connection for LinkedIn.

Before you begin

Before you begin you must register an application to obtain a user name and password that grants access to the LinkedIn API. To register a new application that the WCM Social Media Publisher can use:
  1. Go to
  2. Sign in and click the twistie next to your login name and select API Keys.
  3. Click Add New Application.
  4. Under Company Info either select an existing company or select New Company and enter a company name.
  5. Under Application Info enter values for the following parameters:
    Application Name:
    This is the name of your application that is displayed at the end of each post. For example, your company name.
    Application Description:
    Enter a short description of the application.
    Website URL:
    This is the URL to your website. For example:
    Application Use:
    Social Aggregation
    Live Status:
    During testing, you can set the application to Development. Once ready, modify the status to Live.
    Contact Info:
    Add your contact information here.
  6. Under Author User Agreement select the display language of the user agreement screen. Browser Locale Setting is recommended.
  7. Click Add Application.
  8. A success screen is displayed showing your API Key and Secret Key. Record these values and then click Done.
You then must create a new credential vault from the HCL Portal administration view where:
  • The API Key is specified as the shared user ID
  • The Secret Key is specified as the shared password.

About this task

When you create a social network configuration document for LinkedIn:


  1. Select LinkedIn as the social network.
  2. Define authentication settings for the social network:
    1. Select the Credential Vault that contains your LinkedIn application credentials.
    2. Click Authorize to bind the credentials to a specific social network account.
  3. Select a message type:
    Note: It is not recommended to reference rich text elements or HTML elements in any fields that do not support HTML.
    Network Update:
    1. Enter a default message template. Predefined tags for the message are included as a guide. For example:
      This is posted as HTML.
      [Element context="current" type="content" key="Message" format="length:200"] See more: 
      [URLCmpnt context="current" type="content" mode="standalone" start="<a href='" end="'>Link</a>"] 
    1. Select the appropriate visibility option.
    2. Enter a default name, description, image, and message template. Predefined tags for the image, description, and message are included as a guide. For example:
      This is posted as text.
      [Property field="title" context="current" type="content" format="length:100"]
      This is posted as text.
      [Property field="description" context="current" type="content" format="length:100"]
      This is posted as a URL.
      [Element context="current" type="content" key="Image" format="URL"]
      Note: The URL to the image must be internet accessible.
      This is posted as text.
      [Element context="current" type="content" key="Message" format="length:200"]