Creating page component configurations manually | HCL Digital Experience

You can create page component configurations by copying them from page templates or pre-configured portlets. You can also create a page component configuration from scratch.

About this task

  • Copy a page template page component configuration

    The page component configurations for the page templates are all in the "microsites" area in the CTC Content library. Each page template has a matching site area and each of these has a "Page Components" child area. You can copy any of these page components to your own site.

  • Copy a pre-configured portlet page component configuration

    The page component configurations for the pre-configured portlets are all in the top-level site area called "Page Components" in the CTC Content library. You can copy any of these page components to your own site.

  • Create a page component configuration

    You can create your own page component configuration based on the Block, List, Slideshow, or Carousel templates and store the configuration in your site.

You must place all new page components into the appropriate area of your site. They should be placed in the "Page Components" area of a landing, index, or details page. Alternatively, you could place the page components in a global Page Components folder if you want to share the configuration across the whole site.