Managing User access keys (UAKs)

Create a key that you can use to authenticate API calls.

About this task

Until new users are assigned to teams, they are automatically assigned to the Default team in the Viewer and Participant roles. Users in these roles can view objects, such as releases and value streams, but they cannot create or edit them. Additionally, users in these roles can auto-generate user access tokens and access API endpoints with GET requests. Administrators grant users elevated permissions when they assign them to roles such as Lead Developer or Release Manager.


  1. On the Settings page, click My Profile.
  2. Click the Create user access key button.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name for the user access key.
  4. Click the Create button.
  5. In the User access key created window, click copy icon to copy the Access key to the clipboard.
  6. Save the key to a secure location.
    Note: It's important to save the key because it will not be accessible after you close the Access key created window.
  7. Click x to close the User access key created window.

What to do next

You can use the key whenever you use plugins or external clients to integrate tools into HCL DevOps Velocity (Velocity).
Integrations support the capability to auto-generate the required user access keys that is implemented on a plugin by plugin basis.
Note: Plugins are not updated at the same time and you can refer to the plugin documentation page for the latest updates. The update status of existing integrations only change when you edit the integration.
The auto-generated user access key process is detailed in the following:
  1. On the Velocity Home page, click > Integrations > Plugins.
  2. Click the Add integration button for the required plugin integration to display the Add Integration modal window.
  3. The User Access Key field is displayed if the plugin is not updated.
    Note: The User Access Key field is not displayed if the plugin is updated.
  4. Fill in the required fields for the plugin.
  5. Click the Show Hidden Properties check box to display the auto-generated properties for the integration.
    Note: In the Velocity User Access Key field, you can enter a user access key if you have one, but it is not required.
  6. Click the Add button.
  7. Click User Authorization > User Access Keys to locate the plugin in the Name field with the format of Integration Name - AutoGen.
    Note: Any existing plugin integrations that are edited and saved automatically auto-generate user access keys in the aforementioned manner.

You can review the issued user access keys on the User access key management page, Settings > User authorization > User access keys. If you have administrator permissions, you can delete user access keys from that page.