Configuring log level settings

Control the amount of detail sent to log files.

About this task

Log files contain information about the data that your plugin integrations use or create. You can control the amount of information kept in the log files by setting the logging levels. You set the logging level separately for each integration.

The following list contains the logging levels:

  • ALL
  • INFO
  • WARN
  • OFF

Each level contains less information than the level that precedes it in the list. To keep the most verbose information, select ALL. The default logging level is INFO.


  1. On the Settings page, click Integrations, and then select the Edit action for the integration that you want to change.
    Note: You can also set the logging level when you create an integration.
  2. On the Add Integration page, select the logging level from the Logging Level list.
  3. Click Update.

What to do next

To see a log file, use the View log action associated with the integration.

If you want to troubleshoot an integration, setting the logging level to DEBUG is a good place to start.