Creating the YAML configuration file in GitHub repository

You can create YAML configuration with the properties of required DevOps tools.

The following table describes the properties required to define the configuration in the YAML file.
Property name Type Description Required
version String The version number of the YAML file. Yes
integrations Array List of integration configurations Yes


You must define the integration properties that include type, attributes, and configs. The following table describe the details of type, attributes, and configs properties:

Property name Type Description Required
type String Type or category of the CI/CD tool. Yes
attributes Object Additional attributes specific to the integration. Yes
configs Object Configuration object for the integration. Yes


The following table describes the properties that you must define under the configs property:

Property name Type Description Required
name String Name of the configuration. Yes
loggingLevel String Logging level for the integration. Yes
deltaTime String Time difference for the integration. Yes

Depending on the integration type, additional configuration properties might be required. For more information about the additional configuration properties, see HCL DevOps Velocity (Velocity) plug-in configuration.

Sample YAML configuration file

The following sample shows a YAML configuration file with two integrations:
version: "8.0.0"
  - type: ucv-ext-deploy
      auto-config: true
      name: Deploy Integration
      loggingLevel: DEBUG
      deltaTime: '2023-05-15T18:30:00.000Z'
      # Additional integration-specific fields for Deploy Integration

  - type: another-integration
      auto-config: true
      name: Another Integration
      loggingLevel: INFO
      # Additional integration-specific fields for Another Integration