Resolving tasks

Complete a deployment by resolving the tasks in the deployment plan.

About this task

A started task is resolved when its status changes to `Complete`, `Failed`, or `Skipped`.

You resolve manual tasks by using the appropriate status action. Auto tasks, such as HCL DevOps Deploy (Deploy) tasks or Jenkins®, change status automatically as conditions change. However, you can manually resolve auto tasks. For example, you might manually fail an Deploy task that is taking too long to complete.

To resolve a started task, apply one of the following statuses:

  • Click Complete to finish the task. `Complete` means that the task finished with the expected results.
  • Click Skip to skip the task for the current deployment.
  • Click Fail to end the task. `Fail` means that the task did not finish or finished with unexpected results.
  • Click Task Reopen to open a resolved a task. If all tasks are completed, reopening a task reopens the deployment.