Starting a test from the command line

You can run tests suites or a test harness by using the command-line interface of eclipse. The command line supports a set of options. You can enter -help in the command line to view all the supported options.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Read and been familiar with the command line arguments
  • You must have closed Test Embedded


  1. Go to the directory that contains the eclipse.exe file.
    For example,
    C:\Program Files\HCL\DevOpsTestEmbedded.
  2. Run the following command to start the tests from the command line:

    eclipse -nosplash -application -data <workspace> <test_to_launch> [<test_to_launch>] [options]

    For example, if you place visual_test_kit/test_elements/harness/harness_simple_call.test_harness for the test to run, it will run the test harness named "harness_simple_call.test_harness" located in folder "/test_elements/harness" of project "visual_test_kit"

    Note: On windows, run eclipsec instead of eclipse. eclipsec is available in the installation folder.
  3. Run the following command to list the help options:

    eclipse -nosplash -application -data <your workspace> -help

    The following table lists the supported options with description:

    Option Description
    -help This option displays the help options and then returns you to the command line interface.
    -version This option displays the product version and then returns you to the command line interface.
    -forcerefresh This option refreshes the eclipse whenever there is an update to the project that contains the test to be run.
    -xmlreports This option generates xml reports for the test suites and the test harnesses.
    -xmlfile="<file path>" This option is used to set a name of the report. If this option is set, then -xmlreports option is not needed.
    -xmlencoding="<encoding>" This option sets the encoding to use for XML generation. The default character encoding value is UTF-8. If this option is set, the -xmlreports option is not required.
    -bindir="<folder path>" This option enables you to specify the folder path that is used when running the tests.
    -tdpdir="<folder path>" This option indicates the relative path of the target deployment port directory.
    -outputfolder="<folder path>" This option indicates the location where the .xml report files are copied.
    -buildconfig="<config name>" This option runs the test harness with the specified configuration. When the configuration does not exist, the default configuration is used. This option has no effect on the test suite.
    -build_project="<project>" This option builds the project in the workspace. When the project name is defined as all, all the projects in the workspace gets build.
    -tdp="<tdp to use>" This option overwrites the tdp from launch configuration.

    For example,

    tdp=C:\Program Files\HCL\DevOpsTestEmbedded\targets\cvisual2019


You have run the test from the command line and can view the test result.