HTML Report Generator

You can launch the HTML Report Generator from the command line to generate Control and Data Coupling, Worst Stack Size, Performance, and Worst Case Execution Time reports.

The HTML Report Generator - HTMLReportGenerator.jar generates HTML reports from a template, using traces files that are generated after execution. It can be used for Control Coupling, Data Coupling, Worst Stack Size, Performance Profiling, Worst Case Execution Time HTML reports.


java -cp <bin>/HTMLReportGenerator.jar <kind> { <options> } 


  • <bin> is the folder that contains all the binary files in the installation.
  • <kind> is the kind of report to generate. This value is:
    • for Control Coupling with Function as Module.
    • for Control Coupling with Compilation Unit as Module.
    • for Data Coupling.
    • for Worst Stack Size.
    • for Performance and Worst Case Execution Time.
  • <options> are the different options depending on the kind of report to generate.

Common options

The following options are common to any kind of report to generate:
  • -files <file>{,<file>} are the files used to generate the HTML report. The file name can contain a wildcard to get multiple files:
    • ‘?’ replaces one character
    • ‘*’ replaces one or more characters
    • **’ replaces one or more segments in the folder name and makes the recursive search for files easier.
    The required format for these files are the following ones:
    • .fdc, .tio, .tdc, .test_harness for Control Coupling with Function as Module. The .tdc and .test_harness files are optional as they are used only for adding the requirements in the report.
    • .tsf, .tgf, .tdc, .test_harness for Control Coupling with Compilation Unit as Module. The .tdc and .test_harness files are optional as they are used only for adding the requirements in the report.
    • .fdc, .tio, .tdc, .test_harness for Data Coupling. The .tdc and .test_harness files are optional as they are used only for adding the requirements in the report.
    • .tsf, .tsfe, and .tzf for Worst Stack Size.
    • .tsf, .fdc, .tqf, .tqfe for Performance and Worst Case Execution Time.
      Note: Any extension applies to these files in case of merge (see option -merge). These files are generated with the option -output when generating the previous reports.
  • -report <file> gives the name of the HTML report file to generate. This option is required.
  • -template <file> gives the name of the template file that is used to generate the report. This option is required. Default templates are delivered under <installation folder>/lib/reports.
  • -output <file> gives the name of a file that is used to generate raw data in a JSON format. This file is compressed. The raw data can be used in an internal tool.
  • -version is used to display the version of the HTML Report Generator. When this option is used, no report is generated.

Specific options for Control Coupling with Function as Module

The following options are specific to Control Coupling with Function as Module report generation.
  • -merge when the report to generate is a merge of several reports previously generated. In such case, the files provided with the option -files are those generated by the option -output when generating the previous reports.
  • -noccext is used to not add the control coupling with external files (external files are those for which no .fdc file is provided)

Specific options for Control Coupling with Compilation Unit as Module

The following options are specific to Control Coupling with Compilation Unit as Module report generation.
  • -merge when the report to generate is a merge of several reports that are previously generated. In this case, the files that are provided with the option -files are those generated by the option -output when generating the previous reports.
  • -noccext does not add the control coupling to external files. External files are those for which no .tsf file is provided.
  • -shortest to consider only the shortest paths in the calling compilation units.
  • -longest to consider only the longest paths in the calling compilation units.
  • -components <file> is used for grouping several compilation units in a component if the compilation units can be logically grouped together. The format of this file is JSON. The file contains the list of components as follows:
     “<component name>” : [“<C file>”,“<C file>”,“<C file>”…],

Specific options for Worst Stack Size

The following options are used to generate Worst Stack Size report.
  • The -entrypoints <function>,{function} option gives the list of entry points when using a multi-threaded application. In this case, the stack size is computed from each entry point and the total stack size is the sum of the stack sizes for each entry point. If this option is not used, the stack size is the biggest stack size found in all the paths.
  • -max <max> is the maximum stack size allowed for the application (in bytes).
  • -security <percentage> is the percentage of security to avoid going over the maximum stack size. This option requires the option -max to be provided.

Specific options for Performance and Worst Case Execution Time

The following options are specific to Performance and Worst Case Execution Time report generation.
  • -entrypoints <function>,{function} gives the list of entry points if using a multi-threaded application. In this case, the WCET is computed from each entry point.
    • -level<level> value is the following one:
      • 0 to generate a minimal performance report without maximum execution time and WCET.
      • 1 to generate a performance report without WCET.
      • 2 to generate a complete performance report.