Code Coverage HTML Report Generator

The HTML Report Generator creates Code Coverage reports in an HTML format from the coverage data that are collated during the execution of the application under analysis.


On Windows:
java -Djava.library.path=<installation folder>/bin/intel/linux_64 -jar <installation folder>/bin/intel/linux_64/CoverageHTMLReport.jar -files { <file>} -report <report> -template <template> -version
On Linux:
java -Djava.library.path=<installation folder>/bin/intel/linux_64 -jar <installation folder>/bin/intel/linux_64/CoverageHTMLReport.jar -files { <file>} -report <report> -template <template> -version
  • file are the input files. The files are .fdc, .tio, .xtp. At least, one .fdc or .xtp is required. The file name can contain a wildcard to get multiple files:
    • ‘?’ replaces one character
    • ‘*’ replaces one or more characters
    • **’ replaces one or more segments in the folder name and makes the recursive search for files easier.
  • report is the output HTML file.
  • template is the template file used for the report.

    The -version option is used for the version of the Coverage HTML Report Generator.