Splitting the trace dump file

Command Line Interface

When you use several features together, the executable produces a multiplexed trace file, containing several outputs targeting different features from HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded).

You must split the atlout.spt SCI dump file.

Splitting an SCI dump file

In most cases, you must split the atlout.spt trace file into several files for use with each particular Report Generator or the product GUI.

To do this, you must have a working perl interpreter. You can use the perl interpreter provided with the product in the /bin directory.

To split the trace file:

  1. Use the atlsplit tool supplied in the /bin directory of Test Embedded:
    atlsplit atlout.spt

After the split, depending on the selected runtime analysis tools, the following file types are generated:

  • .rio test result files: process with a Report Generator

  • .tio Code Coverage report files: view with Code Coverage Viewer

  • .tdf dynamic trace files: view with UML/SD Viewer

  • .tpf Memory Profiling report files: view with Memory Profiling Viewer

  • .tqf Performance Profiling report files:view with Performance Profiling Viewer

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