RTistFdcConv command line

RTist is used to create models of the software system based on the Unified Modeling Language (UML) constructs, to generate the implementation code, compile, then run and debug the application. It is used from a command line.


  • RTist is a UML modeling tool for embedded applications. HCL DevOps Test Embedded (Test Embedded) supports two new coverage levels related to the UML State Diagram. A state diagram is used to represent the condition of the system or part of the system at finite time instances. State diagrams are also referred to as State machines or State-chart Diagrams:
    • State coverage: Verifies that all the states of a diagram has been reached at least at once.
    • Transition coverage: Verifies that all the transitions between states have been executed at least at once.
  • Test Embedded integrates a new tool to translate .fdc files (static files resulting from instrumentation process) into new .fdc files. These files filter the generated code and add state and transition coverage information.
  • The coverage result viewer has been updated to display this new coverage level. In this view, the report contains the list of states and transitions with the user code.

Command line to launch RTist

To launch RTist, run the following command:
RTistFdcConv  <fdcFilesFolders> <convertedFdcFilesFolder> <RtistModelFiles>

<fdcFilesFolders> is the folder(s) containing fdc file generated by attolcc. If there are multiple folders, use a comma between each folder name: For example: folder1,folder2,....

<convertedFdcFilesFolder> is the folder used to generate the converted fdc.

<RtistModelFiles> is a .emx file or list of .emx files contaning the RTist model. if there are multiple files, use a comma between each file name: For example: model1.emx,model2.emx,...