Installing HCL® Local License Server on Windows

To manage the licenses of HCLSoftware products, you must install HCL® Local License Server.

Before you begin

You must have completed the following tasks:
  • Ensured that your computer meets the system requirements and you have completed the preinstallation tasks. See Hardware and software requirements and Performing preinstallation tasks on Windows.
    Note: Do not clone the VM instance of HCL® Local License Server to avoid a potential violation of the Master License Agreement (MLA).
  • Imported a valid SSL certificate into the Java trust store.
    Important: HCL® Local License Server is configured to support either a self-signed or third-party SSL certificate. You can use the third-party SSL certificate as a best practice.
  • Configured the following for communication between the HCLSoftware products and HCL® Local License Server:
    • The communication is bidirectional.
    • The LLS PORT uses the TCP protocol.
    • The communication uses HTTPS.
  • Uninstalled and cleaned up all the files associated with any older versions of HCL® Local License Server.


  1. Run HCL_LLS_3.0_Windows_x64_GUI_Offline.exe.
    The User Account Control screen with the application name and verified publisher details is displayed.
  2. Click Yes.
    The installation package is extracted and installation is initiated. The Introduction screen is displayed.
  3. Read the details, and then click Next.
    The License Agreement screen is displayed.
  4. Read the details, and then select the checkbox to accept the agreement.
  5. Click Next.
    The Hardware & Software Requirements screen is displayed.
  6. Read the details, and then click View Requirement list.
    The Hardware & Software Requirements window is displayed.
  7. Read the details, and then close the Hardware & Software Requirements window.
    The Install Location screen is displayed.
  8. Click Choose... to specify the installation path on your system.
  9. Click Next.
    The Security Certificate screen is displayed.
  10. Enter the following details:
    For a third-party certificate:
    • Keystore File: The path of the .jks or .p12 KeyStore file.
    • Alias Key: The value that was entered for alias during the generation of the certificate.
    • Keystore Password: The value that was entered for KeyStore during the generation of the certificate.
    For a self-signed certificate:
    • Keystore File: The path of the .jks or .p12 KeyStore file. For example, C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.392.8-hotspot\bin\keystore.jks.
    • Keystore Password: The value that was entered for KeyStore during the generation of the certificate. For example, i.e->changeit.
    • Truststore Path: The path of the cacerts file. For example, C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-8.0.392.8-hotspot\jre\lib\security\cacerts.
    • Truststore Password: The value that was entered for TrustStore during the generation of the certificate.
    Note: There is no mechanism to notify if the SSL certificate is expired, hence, you must replace the SSL certificate before the expiry date. You must import the renewed SSL certificate into the Java TrustStore, and then replace the SSL certificate and KeyStore password. Refer to the HCL LLS Configure Utility User Guide.pdf at <LLS_Installation_Directory>/HCL_LLS_3.0/docs/.
  11. Click Next.
    The LLS Listening Port screen is displayed.
  12. Enter the port number, and then click Next.
    The Summary screen is displayed.
  13. Review the configurations, and then click Install.
    The Installing screen is displayed, and HCL LLS Utilities and LLS Configure Utility tools are installed.
  14. Click Done in the Install Complete screen.
    The LLS Configure Utility appears in the Start menu and as a shortcut on your Windows screen.


You have installed HCL® Local License Server on your computer.

What to do next

You must restart your computer, and then perform the post-installation task. See Performing post-installation tasks on Windows.