Displaying history for a particular type (Windows)

About this task

You can display event records for the type objects of a VOB and perform type-related operations.


  1. Click File > Open.
    The Select ClearCase objects to display history for window opens.
  2. Click Types.
  3. In Pathname, if an entry is not already specified, specify the VOB tag or the full path of any file-system object within the VOB.
  4. In Types, double-click the folder that represents the type you are interested in.

    The Types pane displays icons with the names of instances of the objects of the type that you specified.

  5. Do either of the following:
    • Select one or more instances of the type whose history you want to include in the event log.
      Note: To specify another type, click Back One Level and start with Step 4 before you click OK.
    • Right-click one of the icons, click a command on the menu, to copy (clone) the object, delete the object, rename the object, or list the properties of the object.
  6. Click OK.


The event log displays the related event records for the type objects that you specified. The title bar of the History Browser window displays the object selectors of the types that you specified.