Merge Manager

The Merge Manager is a graphical tool that manages the process of merging one or more DevOps Code ClearCase® elements. It automates the processes of gathering information for a merge, starting a merge, and tracking a merge.

Merge Manager usage

In a UCM context, Merge Manager can be used for a deliver or a rebase operation.

In base ClearCase, use the Merge Manager to merge all changes made on a subbranch. The Merge Manager provides menus and commands to access other DevOps Code ClearCase tools that are useful for facilitating the merge. For example, you can run the Diff Merge tool to compare multiple combinations of versions involved in the merge.

In both UCM and base ClearCase, Merge Manager provides the following support:

  • Maintains a list of the elements being merged.
  • Displays the status of the merge for each element.
  • Keeps a log of actions performed during the merge for each element.

The Merge Manager is designed for a range of users, from novice to experienced, from individual contributor to project leader or project integrator.

Merges not performed by the Merge Manager

You can use other tools (but not Merge Manager) and procedures for the following types of merge:

  • Merge selective changes from a subbranch
  • Perform a subtractive merge

These procedures involve using cleartool commands and other tools.

Workflow for a merge with Merge Manager

The basic workflow for merging all changes made on a subbranch involves the following actions:

  • Prepare a destination view.
  • Run Merge Manager and use the Find Wizard to start a new merge or resume a saved merge.
  • Use Merge Manager to coordinate the merge.
  • Test the merge results.
  • When the testing is complete, complete the merge.