To record a merge that occurs outside DevOps Code ClearCase

About this task

You can draw a merge arrow without actually merging the versions. Select this option if, for example:

  • You merged the versions outside DevOps Code ClearCase® control.
  • You want to overwrite the target version instead of merging.

On a UNIX system or Linux, display an element in the Version Tree Browser (more information is available on seeing the version tree of an element). Then click Version > Merge > Arrow > Create.

On a Windows system, perform the following procedure:


  1. Display an element in the Version Tree Browser (more information is available on seeing the version tree of an element).
  2. Click the contributing version. (From the Version Tree Browser, you can merge only one contributing version at a time. To merge multiple contributing versions to a single target version, use cleartool merge.)
  3. Click Tools > Merge to.
  4. Move the pointer over the target version. The merge arrow will point to this version.

    You can use Tools > Locate, the Bird's Eye View, or the zoom toolbar to help you find the target version. The mouse pointer changes from this:

    to this:

  5. Click the target version to open the Merge Confirmation window.
  6. In the Do you want to perform a merge? area, click No Draw a merge arrow without performing a merge.
  7. Click OK to draw the merge arrow.

    To cancel the operation, right-click anywhere in the version tree.