Starting the History Browser (Windows)

About this task

You can start the History Browser from DevOps ClearCase® Explorer, Windows Explorer, the Start menu, or a command prompt.


  • From ClearCase Explorer, right-click one file or directory that is under version control and then click History.
  • From Windows Explorer, right-click one file or directory that is under version control and click ClearCase > History.
  • From the Start menu:
    1. On a DevOps Code ClearCase system, click Start > DevOps Code ClearCase > History Browser.

      The Select ClearCase objects to display history for window opens.

    2. In Selection, specify an element. Click Help for more information.
    3. Click the tab for the object type that you are interested in.

      The default is Elements for file-system objects in a VOB. For more information, click Help on the page that you select.

  • From a command prompt, type either of the following commands at a command prompt:
    • clearhistory [command-options] path ...
    • cleartool clearhistory -graphical [] path ...
    The argument command-options is one or more command-line options.

    The argument path is one or more paths of VOB objects.

    If you specify multiple path arguments and one or more of them is invalid, the History Browser does not display any event records.