Importing tool and URL shortcuts

About this task

If the DevOps Code ClearCase® administrator has exported tool shortcuts, you can import tool and URL shortcuts that are defined in an external file. To import tool and URL shortcuts into DevOps ClearCase Explorer on your computer, perform the following steps:


  1. Do either of the following:
    • Click Tool > Options and in the Tool Shortcuts area, click Shortcut Options.
    • In the Toolbox page of the Shortcut pane, right-click and select Options.
  2. In the Tool Shortcut Options window, select Import tool shortcuts at each startup.
    If the DevOps Code ClearCase administrator makes available a site shortcuts definitions file, its path is displayed as active in Tool shortcut definition location.
  3. (Optional) To specify a user shortcuts definitions file instead of the site one, in Tool shortcut definition location, enter the network path or the URL for the definitions file with a type of .xml.
  4. Click OK.


The tool shortcuts and any page definitions defined in the file are created in the shortcut pane of the Toolbox page. Any user class tool shortcuts that you created are still usable. If you have a user class tool shortcut that conflicts with one in the definitions file, your user class tool shortcuts definition is used.