Adding a shortcut to a snapshot view in the Shortcut pane

About this task

Creating a shortcut to a snapshot view registers the view. You cannot register a snapshot view that was created on a host that runs Linux or the UNIX system. To create a shortcut to a snapshot view that is not registered by you, follow these steps on your computer.


  1. In the Shortcut pane, click Views. (If the Shortcut pane is hidden, click View > Shortcut Pane. Then click Views.)
  2. On the Views tab, click or create a page. Place UCM views on a page that bears the name of the associated project; do not place shortcuts to DevOps Code ClearCase® views that are not associated with UCM projects on a page that is used for UCM projects.
  3. Right-click in the page and click Add View Shortcut. The Add a New View Shortcut window opens.
  4. Under View Type, select Snapshot.
  5. In Description, enter text to appear in the shortcut ToolTip.
  6. In Snapshot Location, do either of the following steps:
    • Enter the path to the view's shareable root directory.
    • Click the browse button to the right; under a network folder (for example, My Network Places or Network Neighborhood), navigate to and select the shareable root directory of the view.
  7. Click OK. The shortcut icon is created in the Shortcut pane.
  8. Click the view shortcut icon to access the snapshot view.


If you use a roaming user profile, creating a view shortcut registers the view for your use on any Windows computer. If you use a local user profile, this registers the view for your use on this one computer.