To merge versions during the deliver operation (UNIX system and Linux)

During the deliver operation on the UNIX system or Linux, after selecting activities, click OK in the Deliver Preview window to start merging versions in your development view with versions in the integration view. As files and directories are being merged, the progress indicator appears in a UCM Deliver window.

For each new version delivered to the integration view, all nonconflicting differences are merged. To see progress of the merge, click Details and an expansion field lists the versions in the merge.

As it merges versions, the value in the Merged column of the Details expansion field is changed to Yes.

If versions in your development view contain changes that conflict with the corresponding versions in the integration view, the value in the Merged column shows No. For each version that has conflicts, a Deliver from Stream window opens, giving options to handle the version.

To merge a version that contains merge conflicts, select the version and click Start the Diff Merge tool (xmerge) for this element and click OK. To apply the same option to all remaining files with conflicts, click OK to All.

Diff Merge starts so that you can resolve conflicting differences. (The main window of the Diff Merge is clearmrgman, a DevOps Code ClearCase® tool used for merging files and directories.)