Building multiple programs from TSO Client

Before you begin

Before performing this sample parameterized build request, you need to ensure that the test programs have been set up as described in Setting up a test environment.

About this task

Use sample programs pbtest2.cbl and pbtest3.cbl to perform this test case.


  1. On the option line of the TSO Client Main Menu, type 4.
  2. On the left side of the Dataset Action panel, under DSLIST, type s beside a data set that is mapped to the CBL file type.
  3. On the left side of the View Files List panel, under the ClearCase® file name, type pbf next to the pbtest2 and pbtest3 file names.
    The build request is submitted.


This request generates the following files:
  • The output object files are saved in USERID.XOBJLIB(PBTEST2) and USERID.XOBJLIB(PBTEST3).
  • The link-edit control files are saved in USERID.XLOADLIB(PBTEST2) and USERID.XLOADLIB(PBTEST3).
  • The output load modules are saved in USERID.CA.PARMBLD.LOAD(PBTEST2) and USERID.CA.PARMBLD.LOAD(PBTEST3).
  • Assuming that the sample build script is modified as below, the output listing files are saved to preallocated PDSs USERID.TSC.LIST(PBTEST2) and USERID.TSC.LIST(PBTEST3).
    You can view the output listing from panel 2.2 if an environment definition mapping statement has be specified.
  • The details of the build processing are written to USERID.TSC.LOG.