Configuring the CCRAM client environment

The configuration file defines user-specific values for a particular software development project. For example, the host name, port number, and whether the project uses Unified Change Management (UCM) are values that you must set for the development environment.

About this task

The configuration file is used to map your ClearCase® files to the mainframe system PDS data sets.


To configure the CCRAM client environment, do these steps:
  1. To create the configuration file, specify the ClearCase files that you want to store in your MVS™ PDS data sets. You accomplish this by using the PDS data set name to map ClearCase files to the PDS data sets.
    The PDS data set name consists of three parts:
    • High level qualified name - either your own MVS ID or some other valid MVS ID in the same system. If this is not your own ID, ensure that you have access authority to the data sets for this ID.
    • The local PDS prefix - a unique identifier that precedes your PDS file name.
    • The mapped file suffix - a meaningful name that describes the file being mapped on the distributed system.
  2. Specify your new configuration file by performing the following tasks:
    1. Create a PDS member in the defaultHLQ.TSC.ENV data set (previously described).
      Choose a meaningful member name, such as the name of your development project.
    2. Add the following lines to the PDS member you created:
      HOST host IP address
      PORT portnumber
      PVOBNAME pvob name
      VIEW_NETWORK_NAME viewnetworkname
  3. On the next line in your PDS member, use file name patterns to map file names from your ClearCase views to specific PDS data sets in your mainframe system.
    You must specify at least one mapping (one line) to create a configuration file. For each set of ClearCase files you want to map, list the following two fields, separated by at least one space:
    • The pattern name of the distributed files you want to map. For example, on a Windows® distributed system, typing drive-letter:\vob-dir\rcc\src*.h specifies all files in the distributed \rcc\src directory, in the vob-dir VOB, with the suffix of h.
      Note: Do not use .bat, .err, or .out as file extensions.
    • The mapped PDS data sets. For example, typing high-qualified-name.SRC.H maps all files in the distributed /rcc/src directory with the suffix of .h to high-qualified-name.SRC.H.


The following example shows a configuration file:
PORT 9502                                           
PVOBNAME \zose_ucm_pvob                             
CCTYPE  UCM                                         
PLATFORM WINDOWS                                    
VIEW_TYPE DYNAMIC                                   
SERVER_CODEPAGE  IBM-1047                              
DISTRIBUTED_USER  MYCCID                          
z:\zose_src_vob\src*.c            MYMVSID.TSC.C       
z:\zose_src_vob\src*.cc          MYMVSID.TSC.CPP     
z:\zose_src_vob\src*.cpp        MYMVSID.TSC.CPP     
z:\zose_src_vob\src*.h            MYMVSID.TSC.H       
z:\zose_src_vob\src*.asm        MYMVSID.TSC.ASM     
z:\zose_src_vob\src*.plx         MYMVSID.TSC.PLX     
z:\zose_src_vob\src*.hpp        MYMVSID.TSC.H       
z:\zose_src_vob\src*.cbl         MYMVSID.TSC.CBL     
y:\zose_src_vob\cblsrc*.cbl    MYMVSID.TSC.CBL     
y:\zose_src_vob\fortplx*.c      MYMVSID.TSC.C       
y:\zose_src_vob\fortplx*.cpp  MYMVSID.TSC.CPP     
y:\zose_src_vob\fortplx*.h      MYMVSID.TSC.H       
y:\zose_src_vob\fortplx*.asm  MYMVSID.TSC.ASM     
y:\zose_src_vob\fortplx*.plx   MYMVSID.TSC.PLX     
y:\zose_src_vob\fortplx*.hpp   MYMVSID.TSC.H       
y:\zose_src_vob\fortplx*.cbl    MYMVSID.TSC.CBL